Annual Fun Dog Show

Our annual FUN DOG SHOW took place at Sandwich Quay on Sunday 11th September from 10am – 4.30pm. We were delighted to welcome a celebrity judge to judge our 19 classes. Photos will follow soon.

Class no.Class Name
1Best Pedigree Bitch
2Best Pedigree Male
3Cutest Pup (5 – 12 months)
4Best Terrible Teens (12 months – 2 years)
5Best Middlie (2 – 7 years)
6Best Veteran (Over 7 years)
7Scruffiest Mutt
8Waggiest Tail
9Most Handsome Male
10Best Other Rescue (not FFD)
11Best Futures For Dogs Rescue
12Most Appealing Eyes
13Fabulous Family (members with 2 and 4 legs)
14Best Small Breed
15Best Large Breed
16Prettiest Bitch
17Dog Who Hasn’t Won A Class
18Dog Whom The Judge Would Like To Take Home
19DOG OF THE SHOW (open to all)